i'm almost 38 weeks pregnant and so freakin uncomfortable i know as many women are at this point. well i'm 2cm and thined out i was just wondering on what i can do to speed this along. i know alot of you think this is selfish but i'm looking for answers from those who know what i'm talking about. and one more thing is it normal to feel uncomfortable in and around my private.What else can i do i need advise?
girl i am with you. i went to the hosp on tue was sent home, was tested wed at my NST sent home again :( then this morn i was at the doc and she told me that maybe i will go this weekend. lol I'm like I HAVEN';T SLEPT IN 3 DAYS.... she told me well i can give you sleeping pills. on top of the pain meds and muscle relaxers I'm taking I'm like no thanks just induce me pls. she told me that if I'm still preg next week we will pick a date. uff. I'm so tired i have other kids to care for they are suffering i am and so on and on. I don't think its selfish I'm 37 weeks 4days and so sick and tired. I have tried everything walking, eating pineapple, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, intercourse and so on what else can we do.... my hubby said just stop pushing. so i guess my answer is there is nothing that we can do but try to rest some before the big day. I am scared that i wont be able to push because i wont have anything left in me lol. the doc said walking and sex is the only thing that will help. but I'm like why would i do any of those when i feel like there is something coming out and i hurt to bad. Anyways sorry for venting but gl and I guess we have to wait.What else can i do i need advise?
There is nothing you can really do sweetie. Just keep telling yourself that you are an awesome mom and that this baby will come soon enough and you will be so amazed at how beautiful he/she will be. You will understand that bond instantly and as a mom you will NEVER forget the smell of a newborn baby. As far as the pain goes. Breath out as if you are blowing a huge bug away from you and ask for a pregnancy ball. That really helped me when I was in labor. Your body will know when to speed up or slow down. That is that wonder of a womans body. We are truly lucky to have these beautiful temples for creating new life. Good luck Sweetie!
Yes it's normal to feel uncomfortable around there, if you're thinned out and dilated then you're baby's head is pushing down into the birth canal.
Walking helps, stairs, squats, sex, just try anything to get things moving if you're that adamant. Hopefully your child will be healthy.
Do what my mother did for all four of her children, take Castor oil! Only a little bit to get things going! The recommended dose should suffice. You will probably hear all kinds of negativity from this, and for good reason! Because, not to be totally graphic...it makes you have to go...to the bathroom...number two...really bad! But I swear, it worked for both my girls! And I was at 38 weeks for both! It's almost over honey!
yes, it is very normal.
try walking a lot, eating Mexican food, drinking raspberry leaf tea
these are all things that people have told me worked for them. I don't know because my body was being uncooperative. My cervix wouldn't dilate, efface, nothing. So I had to be induced.
Information on how to make yourself more comfortable at this time on the link below. G
Drink lots of water too...
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