Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advise for bangs to the head?

I got in the head by a rather heavy bunch of keys on Saturday and at the time saw stars and felt very disorientated. I am still suffering with a headache 5 days laters in the area of the injury. Is this a concussion or just a bruise to the skull? There is no bruising to the skin although a bruise does seem to be starting to form and it hurts very badly to touch the area where i took the hit.Advise for bangs to the head?
Bangs to the heads. These are hair allowed to grow over the forehead and cut a short distance above the eye. These are good for hiding ugly forehead wrinkles and/or warts. More popular in the eighties, today bangs are worn only by eccentrics like yourself or dr. gonzo. peace.Advise for bangs to the head?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!
Honey, get straight to the doctor's. This is very serious; something like this should be treated with extreme care, and no one on here is qualified to make a judgement call about your health in a case like this. Concussions are serious injuries, and your head is your most important (and vital!) organ. Did you know that after 2 or 3 concussions, an athlete will be ordered against any physical activity for 12 months? Why are you even still reading this?? Go to the hospital already!
you should have gone to the doctor immediately, injuries to the head, no matter how trivial they may seem to you, need to be looked at if they cause an inordinate amount of pain and made you see stars
Go to a Hospital,you are concussed.
Best would be to see a doctor and have it checked out. Don't take any risks when it comes to your head.

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