are u kidding me? its a mouse. theres about ten for each person in the world. theres a mousetrap. the point is to TRAP the MOUSE. and what if it had gotten its head? please you intendes on killing it anyways. so heres what i advise. start a bonfire. throw the little guy in it. say your prayers, and extinguish the fire. if it was the right leg, that be a whole different story.The rat i caught in my mousetrap has an injured left leg please advise?
Was it a humane trap?
If so, take it to your nearest vet - they are obligated by law to treat wild animals that you find for free. Even if they just put it to sleep it's better than the rat dying a slow and painful death.
If you have used a mousetrap that is designed to kill, then you're a very silly person and need to question yourself on why you're using such a thing!
Get some humane traps and you won't have to deal with this again!The rat i caught in my mousetrap has an injured left leg please advise?
If you do not want to kill it the inhumane way than just take it to a veterinarian's office and have it put to sleep. By the way, if you do not want to put on gloves and stuff to move the rat then just bury it in your yard. Rats in pet stores that were born there do not carry diseases are safe. if you are still too scared to move it then call the exterminator.
Poor little ratty!! Take him to the vet, local humane society or pet store for advice on what to do. Vet is the first option. If it impossible to go their go to your humane society, where they actually care for the animals, unlike most pet stores.
why did you have a mousetrap to catch a rat. im afraid you will have to finish it off. i hate people who use traps to kill innocent creatures
you have problems to deep to solve right now but for now get the poor thing to the vet why did you use a inhumane trap? you need a reality check!
Poor ratty. I'm not sure, I think the RSPCA won't touch rats as they are considered vermin. But try giving them a ring. You should try an humane trap next time.
find someone with a large snake ... the snake will like his fresh meal , and the rat will no longer be in pain ....
or , just finish him off....the humane thing to do !!
as he was in a mouse trap it suggests your trying to kill rodents so just kill the thing! its what you were aiming for anyway.
If you have rats in your house call the council tomorrow. Leave the rat to die - they carry disease so do not touch it.
Wildlife rehabber or vet if you are planning on keeping it? Keep it warm and feed it.
Please kill it quickly. The RSPCA won't be interested.
Step on him and finish him off.
why would you put a mousetrap if you didn't want to hurt the rat? =P
Please put it out of its misery asap
if rspca won't help ring ur local environmental health officer - he'll be glad to take it off your hands
put it in microwave till yer hear it bing
just kill it man, or leave it to a slow and painful death.
You need to finish it off.
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