Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Im need some urgent advise please..! All parents and parents to be please answer!?


We are 21 weeks pregnant and going for another scan tomorrow. I dont care what sex my baby is as long as he/she is healthy.

For some or other reason my husband and I have subconsciously been planning for a boy..we only realised yesterday that we refer to baby as ';he'; all the time...We were gonna wait till birth to find out but now we decided to rather find out tomorrow..We wont love baby any less should it be a girl...We just want baby to be healthy. We are just afraid that somehow we wont get what we subconsciously planned. We will accept and Love anything God blesses us with but do you think we should rather find out the sex so we can mentally prepare ourselves for what to expect?

Thanks for all your answers!Im need some urgent advise please..! All parents and parents to be please answer!?
Sometimes if your instinct tells you its a boy then it just might well be, i thought the whole way through that i was having a boy and never thought of a girls name or anything like that, i did have a boy, i didn't find out. If you feel that you need to know for your own peice ofmind then do find out but i will say the surprise at the end of labour is great, the whole way through all i thought is whats it gonna be, i know i think its a boy but it could be a girl! This is what kept me going, knowing that at then end of it all i would have a beautiful baby of our own to love and care for no matter what.Im need some urgent advise please..! All parents and parents to be please answer!?
I would say no dont find out, you go through all the excitement of being pregnant, if you find out what it is you will have nothing to look forward to, the guessing is all part of the excitement %26amp; the glee of taking away the pain that you have been through, as you say you wont love ';it'; any lessit will give you more pleasure going out after the baby is born to buy things than what it would be just going now to buy things, good luck to you whatever you decide %26amp; enjoy ';it'; while its small, they grow up so quick.
Yes, find out. That way you can better prepare and call the baby by the right gender.

Good luck and congrats!
it is totally meaning less to go for scanning-u r lucky to have become pregnent and going to become a mother.

this is a GOD blessed event.

pl accept

what ever HE gives you.
It depends, I will want to find out for my second because I thought our first was a girl and when a boy popped out it did take me some time to adjust. There where a lot of other factors as well - difficult birth, etc but I want to make sure second time round I am more prepared. If you feel strongly about it then find out then at least mentally you will be ready.
im also 21 weeks pregnant and had my scan 4 days ago... me and my partner thought we were not gna find out our babys sex but when we got in the room we immedietly changed our minds and found out we werre having a little boy and since everything has been so much easier being able to plan like clothes, nursey etc. GUDLUK.
just buy everything white to begin with. this is the neutral colour, dont decorate the room just yet, your hubby can do it the day or 2 after you have given birth.

once born, then you take him/her with you can go mad in mothercare lol.
Well Ive got a full 3weeks till my scan to find out the sex, me and my partner are both he same as you call it he and look at boys clothes before girls without realising, not that were bothered one way or the other. Were going to find out what he is i think it makes it easier to buy all the things for after the birth, people who waited will say it spoils the suprise but we think the surprise is your baby when its born who does it look like, act like and how your life will change has got to be the biggest surpise no matter what sex your baby is.
whatever the outcome you'll be pleased, if you're anything like me you'll struggle to name the baby once you discover gender lol I'm 33 weeks and still have no boys names.
Ask at your scan they might nit even be able to tell you what it is , it depends which way bump is lying. Im 30wks gone with bump no.3, I have got 2 boys and was convinced that I was having another boy ..... suprisingly this one's a girl it helps to know!!
yes you should find out the sex. It makes buying for baby so much easier........
First of all Congratulation on your baby !

Well might be better to find out tomorrow you both sound very anxious about it and as someone said makes planning things better like clothes and nursery, for me when i knew i was having twins i could only find the sex out of the one twin which was a boy (Thomas) and the other twin was a surprise as she has her bum facing the camera, when i had the section and they said i had a little girl as well i was overjoyed they asked me and hubby what we would call her and out popped Kylie !
find the gender, it helps with the preparing for the baby too!

i forgot but there is a techinique saying if your tummy is ';like'; side ways it's a girl and if straight it's a boy might be different
well im 22 wks tomorr and had my scan last monday i swore it was a boy choose name but guess what its a lovely daughter im so happy i got lots of pink stuff its up to you really huni
....find out the sex of the baby so you can stop worrying about whether or not its aboy or girl and get on with planning ur future!!
For a while, bub's just going to be dressed in a jumpsuit or some such and if you have family like we did, you'll get that many hand-me-downs, you'll be set for the first 3 years anyway! No need to worry about preparing for he or she. Mystery can be fun but after a while you get sick of hearing others ask ';Is it a...?'; Probably better to find out.
i personally prefer to find out the babies sex, just because you and your partner and been referring to your baby as a he does not mean you subconsciously want a boy! most baby books and magazines refer to the baby as a he and it's just easier than saying him or her / he or she all the time! like you have said, your both not bothered so don't worry!!!

finding out the sex of your baby is personal opinion, like i said, i personally think it's much easier to do so and i would definitely find out with my future babies but others have strong opinions that it should be a surprise! do what you both feel is right!

there is enough to worry about when your pregnant and expecting your first baby so please don't worry about the sex of the baby!

good luck hun xxx
If you feel it will help you then yes find out. When I was pregnant with my second everyone told me it was going to be a girl and like you I was planning for a little girl so when out popped a boy it was quite a surprise. I was happy as secretly I'd wanted another son but my partner I could tell was slightly not disappointed exactly but he'd obviously had ideas of a little daddies girl in mind and as it was he-who is a doctor incidentally-who told everyone he was 99% certain it was a girl probably felt a bit silly.
Well, if you can't bear the suspense, have the ultrasound/3d/4d scan to see the baby's gender.

If you could wait, prepare something generic that can fit either a boy or a girl. Baby blue PJs, shirts, cribs and toys would do. =)
Finding out the sex is kinda a personal choice each couple has to make... Me and my husband found out because we wanted to have a theme in the baby room, and not just do unisex coloring...

But that was just what we did, good luck with whatever you decide to do! Hope the baby is healthy! =D

Do you want to be upset if this baby turns out to be a girl! In a lot of scans the umbilical cord is in the way so that could hide any clues (so to speak). Me personally was just happy that my children were born healthy.
My husband and I did not find out with our first (a boy). We really liked not knowing. I am now pregnant with our second and we also decided not to find out. I have been wishing I would have found out. Unlike the first time I own my own house and would be able to decorate the room in pink or blue. Plus right now I just have boy stuff. My husband final admitted yesterday he wishes we would have found out. It is very exciting having the unknown factor, but if you do wait to find out also wait to buy a lot of things. If you are having a shower ask for gift cards so you can go shopping after the baby is born. Just buy the must haves now.
i did that at first i really hoped for a boy then really wanted a girl and convinced myself it would be a girl, and bought girls and boys clothes, even though from the start i had a feeling i was having a boy, when i had my 20 week scan i found i was having a boy, i was pleased but it felt strange as i convinced myself it was a girl, i wanted to know the sex as its alot easier these days to get everything prepared and its exciting buying pink or blue, instead of waiting, as i dont like surprises lol, im very impatient, gd luck and let us know what you decide. i will star your question so i can go back and see what you decided to do, so please let us know. xx
Tough decision.

We never found out the sexes of ours but when the twins were coming we had a lot more scans.

Some say that if you know the sex you can get the boy/girl stuff early for them.

My personal opinion is that you should simply put aside some cash and after the baby is born - have a mental shopping trip!

Your feelings may be just as strong for the new arrival, just think of whether you want it to be a surprise or not.

PS Congratulations!

PPS Its a girl! 6lbs 4oz

I always referred to my bump as a girl, and they think she's going to be a girl, but with girls they're never 100% sure, so I haven't gone mad buying pink.

I think you should find out the sex, makes buying easier and choosing names.

good luck. xxx
Go on, find nearly 21 weeks with #2. I have a son already so obviously a girl will be nice for me, but like you said health is all that matters. You'll adapt right away once you find out the sex. Im going to find out in couple of weeks. I have feeling im having another boy...

Whatever you have good luck and let us know
I think it's lovely to wait and have the surprise at the end- especially with your first. My instinct told me i was carrying a boy and i was right! Like someone else said, when you are given your baby it'll be love at first sight regardless of sex. I think it's fun to have 2 sets of names ready and keep everyone guessing! (I think not knowing may have even helped me through labour somewhat as i was so desperate to find out what we had !) I'd bought neutral newborn clothes and friends and family bought tons of little boy outfits after he was born. They grow out of the newborn clothes so quickly anyway. Good luck and let us know what you decide. x
You should find out. Most likely your instincts are correct...I've been right about my 1st two, and we'll see about #3 in about 3 weeks. I'd like to let it be a surprise at birth too, but I know myself all too well and I just can't stand to wait that long. If this is your first, it would definitely be easier to find out early, so that you don't have to buy everything yellow and green. From what you've said, it sounds like the both of you will be better off knowing now what the baby is. Congrats! It's so fun to find out... I think it helps you bond earlier with him/her.
Um...LOL I am not a daddy yet ! But I think what is the big deal ?

Girl ? Boy ? Ur child will be the sweetest,kutest kid,just luv him/her just the way they're !

Goodluck ! (^,^)
the whole time I was pregnant with my daughter I truly believed I was having a girl. I had had a very vivid dream before she was even conceived that I was playing with a baby girl. About three weeks later I found out I was two weeks pregnant. (yeah, that early!!!) I knew she was a she without even thinking about it.

But if you doubt your instincts, just wait to buy the gender specific stuff until you know for sure. Gender is just gender, either way you will need to prepare for the new arrival. Your baby will be every bit as magical and mysterious to you even with knowing what gender he/she is. So don't stress, buy less, and take a sneaky peek at the ultra sound when your hubby is not looking. It doesn't mean that you would love a girl any less if you were to find that your instinct was off the map!
have the scan and then you wil know.i have been through what you are going through,and its better to know so you can be ready .good luck.

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