I weight about 187 i want to be about 160 well thats the weight i should be for my height and age. I really do not have time for gym. i could run at nights for bout 30 min and some other type of exercise for another 30 min. but thats it. what shoulnt i eat. what other exercises should i do?
TAHNK YOU!!!I want to loose some weight any advise?
I found this on this website.
There are more tips and info.
How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years.
Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it's how much food. Some say it's how much exercise. But none of these covers the whole picture.
How to lose weight naturally is not rocket science. It just takes accepting the facts of these seven natural laws of weight loss, plus good old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.
Seven Laws of How to Lose Weight Naturally
1. Make a commitment to whatever it takes.
2. Start from a foundation of happiness.
3. Design your own healthy diet plan.
4. Manage your emotions.
5. Find a way to exercise daily.
6. Keep a Journal.
7. Be persistent.
Go to: http://learn-lose-weight-fast.info/index.php?option=com_content%26amp;task=view%26amp;id=67%26amp;Itemid=62I want to loose some weight any advise?
Running for 30 minutes is good enough. And if you think something is unhealthy then don't eat it. You should know what is unhealthy and healthy. Whatever you do don't take pills.
I just love that Hoodia...no more monthly binges
Running in the morning, before breakfast, is more effective than running at night, but if you can't run before you start your day then you will have to run more at night to get the same effects. The best diet would consist of fresh fruits and vegtables, with some good meat. Also, try to eat 500 less calories per day. If you can't find time for a gym, 30 mins of weight lifting at home can help, but you would have to buy some basic dumbells. It seems like you are really strapped for time, and that this time limit on working out will decrease the rate of your results.
crunches and sit ups is very affective for losing weight
and make sure you don't put back on the weight you just tried to get rid of.
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